“But only say the word, and my soul shall be healed.”

I previously shared the following note on Facebook, but it is something that I also want to share with everyone who reads this blog. It’s been hinted throughout several recent posts, but never explicitly mentioned: I am on my journey towards formally entering the Catholic Church.

“About a year and a half ago, I began investigating the Catholic faith, because I had the honor of getting to know a few Catholics who made me wonder if there was more to it than what I’d heard all my life. Due to personal circumstances, this investigation fluctuated a lot in consistency in depth. But a constant theme I kept encountering was that many of my opinions on the Catholic Church were rooted in misconceptions, if not blatant falsehoods.

In more recent months, it has become increasingly clear to me that I am headed in the right direction, and that this is where God is calling me. I have recently shared this with a few people, and a few others have asked, so I thought it would be good to share: I have decided to be baptized in the Catholic Church this coming Easter.

This might come as a surprise to friends who’ve only known me from my “anti-Catholic days” (you guys know what I’m talking about…). I would be more than happy to chat and share more about the journey thus far! I don’t have answers to all the questions you might have, but I’ve learned a great deal over the past year and I’m excited to share what I do know.

I am confident that I’ve found the Church established by Christ himself — and in it I’m finding true worship, true charity, true solidarity, true humility. And wisdom that comes from above, and the hope that will not put me to shame.

I look forward to being fully initiated into the Catholic Church and the Christian life, and I’m incredibly thankful for everyone who has helped me along this journey, be it through honest conversations, challenging questions, practical guidance, and above all, prayer.

And of course, praise and glory to God, who masterfully uses the greatest joys and greatest adversities in life to lead me to Truth.

This has been the prayer of my heart, and it glows brighter and brighter as I delve further and further into the faith: Lord, I am not worthy that you should enter under my roof. But only say the word, and my soul shall be healed.

Two pieces of art I’ve been working on. Both depict the Blessed Virgin Mary and Baby Jesus (the left in Japanese-style, and the right in Indian-style).

Special thanks to:
Cristy Acosta, Rick Moreno, Eamon Ford, Kelly Ann Zainal, Justine Zainal, Papa & Mama, Karmyn Sindlinger, Michael Ford, Cristina Ford, Isabel Ford, Jonathan Heynen, Kelly Pudelek, Dominic Chiu, Lucas Manuel Williams-Serdan, Larry Bilello, Stephanie Burda, Tom Quiner, Connor Boyle, Chloe Pawa, Fr Peter, and Fr Thomas.

26 thoughts on ““But only say the word, and my soul shall be healed.”

  1. I grew up with split (though not divided) parents, my father was Roman Catholic, my mother Eastern (inside her family her mother was Byzantine, her father Orthodox). I enjoyed all three lobes of the Christian lungs. In my youth I followed my father’s religion (as was the rule at the time), attending Catholic grade school.

    I have since moved to the Eastern church. Not because of any problems with the Roman church, my wife and children belong to the RCC, and I attend mass with them as well. But, my heart has always felt at home in the Eastern church, with her Divine Liturgy and Mystical Theology.

    I congratulate you on finding your home. Christ commissioned thirteen disciples (the Twelve, plus Paul), each with their own view of his message. I believe this was because he knew each of us must hear his message with our hearts, not our ears, and the best way to accomplish that was to have the message come from thirteen different voices.

    Pax Christi

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  2. Congratulations on your upcoming baptism! I have been Catholic my whole life, but my actual practice of it has been on and off. It seems to be going back on now. I love our new Pope and the fact that he is inclusive of other faiths, as I have adopted some doctrines from outside Catholicism. Best of luck on your journey as a new Catholic, and thanks for stopping by!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Why did you want to investigate the Catholic Faith and not just the Biblical Religious Faith?
    Why do you not try to go the Book of books, the bible itself?
    Start reading it from wherever it drops open, or start with the Book of Job and continue your way up or from Genesis, go to Job, then to Isaiah and John, to go back taking Proverbs or take one book after the other.

    When you read the Bible do not take the human dogma’s, like the Catholic Trinity idea with you, but let the words black on white speak for them. When there is spoken of Jesus do not think God but accept like it is written in the book to be Jesus, who is the son of God.


  4. Like your artsy side and the mystery of the big book. As for the rest, I know a bit about longing, but religion and especially the people I’d have to deal with, is far too enigmatic for me. Good luck, though.


  5. I am not Catholic myself, but a Misc Protestant Christian with deep appreciation and love for the Catholic Church (and many individual Catholics). Best wishes on this new turn in your adventure with God! 🙂 And Merry Christmas!

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Congratulations on your way home. The Catholic church is indeed found by Christ himself as He said to Peter ” upon this rock I will build my church.” Til this day Peter’s remains is buried under the basilica at the very heart of Vatican city, the church that Christ instituted is physically on top of him, The church has been prosecuted starting with Christ Himself, and it will always be under attack just as He said. I pray you continue trust in God and wherever He leads you, “seek first the kingdom of God and the rest shall be added on to you.”

    Liked by 1 person

  7. What a wonderful gift it is to be part of something so special! I joined the Catholic Church nearly six years ago after I felt compelled to find out more. I had no connections, friends or family, with the catholic faith yet I found myself looking up information about it, thinking about it, understanding more than anything I had previously encountered. The only way I can describe it is by saying it was like going home. I’m not a fantastic catholic by any means, but I love my faith, I love the services, the acceptance, the comfort, and if course I love Jesus!
    I think it’s very brave to make the decision to enter a faith purely on your own beliefs and I welcome you to our beloved church. I pray it gives you as much peace and comfort as it has me xxx

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  8. Congratulations to you as you prepare to enter the Catholic Church, to deepen your relationship with Jesus, by encountering Him in the Eucharist. What a blessing beyond words. And what a blessing for us, to watch someone encounter Christ in this way – it only deepens our own faith and draws us nearer to the throne of mercy.
    Your artwork of Our Lady is very beautiful.

    Liked by 1 person

  9. From what I’ve read I understood you to be a Christian by faith. I’m interested in your specific choice to follow the Catholic tradition. Had you been a part of any other Christian faith group, denomination etc. before?


    1. Vince, thanks for your message! I have identified as Christian since I was 8, though always in the Protestant tradition (no specific denomination, though). I never took my faith seriously until college, where I got involved with an evangelical Christian group on campus. How about yourself? I can’t give you a full account for my decision to enter the Catholic Church specifically in this limited space, but the gist of it for now: a combination of reading the Bible closely, studying early church history, investigating the teachings of the Church, and personal life experiences have led me to conclude that this is the true Church of Christ.


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